Secret Seduction Spray Review

The CURE for Approach Anxiety
(Overcome the Fear of Rejection)

Troy Valance Secret Pheromone Cologne Perfume Reviews Review



Hey, it’s Troy Valance here, Creator of Secret Seduction Spray

and I’ve got something important to ask you…

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you see a woman you are really attracted to…

And, you immediately feel a strong desire to APPROACH HER and start up a conversation…

And yet…

FEAR stops you dead-in-your-tracks.

You feel anxious…

You feel that crippling FEAR of REJECTION…

You think about the worst case scenario…

“What if she ignores you?”

“What if you make a fool of yourself?”

“What if she tells you to F-OFF?”


…she slips you by…

As you sheepishly tell yourself that next time around you’ll definitely make it happen…

The only trouble is…

You know you probably WON’T approach her ‘next time.’ You know you’ll probably end up PARALYSED by Approach Anxiety yet again

Leaving You Feeling FRUSTRATED, Low on CONFIDENCE, and, Worst of All…


Listen man. I get it.

You see, way before I was a well-respected Dating Coach…

I had the same issue…

I had crippling Approach Anxiety.

I’d go out to Bars and Nightclubs…

…and I’d be that guy on the edge of the dance floor… drink in hand… talking to his buddies all night about how HOT all the women were…

Yet, I’d never do anything about it. Not a single damn thing.

Same would happen at the gym…

Same thing at coffee shops…

Same thing walking down the freakin’ street.

Damn was I good at SPOTTING hot women! But, boy was I USELESS when it came to APPROACHING them, and getting a conversation started.

In the end, after YEARS of FRUSTRATION, I figured I needed to FORCE myself to approach women….

Otherwise I was going to end up SAD and ALONE. Forever.

So I did…

I went out and approached thousands of women, over the course of many years. And, slowly but surely, nervous “Hellos” turned into reasonably good conversations…

…which turned into numbers and email addresses…

…which turned into dates and kissing and ‘adventures in the bedroom’…

…and, eventually, I got so good at APPROACHING women that I ended up teaching other men – men just like you – exactly how to do it.

But, yeah, it cost me about 10 years of life figuring all this stuff out.

And, There Was Just One Problem – but It Was a Big One…

Most men didn’t want to do what I did to overcome Approach Anxiety…

They didn’t want to approach COUNTLESS women, screw it up over and over again, and slowly but surely creep towards success…

…Knowing it could take HUNDREDS of failed approaches, over the course of many MONTHS or YEARS, before they could approach ATTRACTIVE women with any degree of confidence.


They didn’t want to do that.

They wanted a FAST-TRACK to SUCCESS with women…

They wanted RESULTS NOW, not tomorrow…

And, that’s when I decided to get my thinking cap on and start researching…

The “Missing Piece” of The Attraction Puzzle that Makes You Magnetically Attractive to Women…

…I wondered why I would sometimes see quite UGLY men talking to very HOT women (and even dating them)…

At first I thought it must be because these guys had MONEY. But, that usually turned out to not be the case.

Now, after A LOT of research into this, I came across some very interesting information on:


Here’s the Quick Science behind Pheromones:

  • Pheromones are something all men and women produce, to ATTRACT members of the opposite sex 
  • Some people have more ATTRACTIVE, powerful Pheromones than others– explaining why short, fat, ugly guys, who aren’t Rich or Famous, sometimes manage to chat up, date and bed crazy-hot women (because they’ve been blessed with great Pheromones) 
  • Most guys are RUINING the Pheromones they do have, without even realizing it! (By washing them off with Toxic Soaps, and hiding them with Toxic Colognes)

Once I realized how POWERFUL Pheromones were, as part of the “Attraction Process”…

And how Pheromones could literally be the difference between engaging a hot woman in effortless conversation (and making her WET while she’s talking to you)… and her not giving you the time of day… I asked myself the following question:

“Is there a way it to create a product that could ENHANCE a Man’s Pheromones?”

After much research, I figured the answer was “YES” and I got to work creating something that is going to give you:

An Unfair Gain And Advantage Over All The Other Men, When it Comes to Seducing, Approaching and Attracting Beautiful Women & Getting Conversations Flowing…

What I ended up creating for you, after MONTHS of RESEARCH…

…followed by many more MONTHS of testing – not only on myself, but also on some of my best clients – is called:

Secret Seduction Spray

Troy Valance Secret Pheromone Cologne Perfume Reviews Review female sexual seduction attraction

SecretSeduction Spray is Simply The World’s Most Potent Pheromone Cologne…

For men who want to create massive ATTRACTION with women

…so much attraction that women cannot help but want to spend time with them – and “YES,” that includes time IN THE BEDROOM!

Secret Seduction Cologne is a Potent Mixture of 7 Extremely Concentrated And Hypnotic Human Sex Hormones…

It’s packed in an outrageously sleek and inconspicuous black bottle…

And, all you do to use it, is this:

 – Spray twice on your neck.

 – Spray twice on each wrist.

Now go interact with women as usual.

That’s it.

Don’t change anything else.

Just be YOURSELF, and let go and allow the  Pheromones work their sexual seduction Magic!

WARNING: Use with Caution…

Before you get too thrilled and excited, I need to give you a fair WARNING…

SecretSeduction Spray will change you into a MAGNETICALLY ATTRACTIVE ALPHA MALE that women can’t resist…

You’ll become IRRESISTIBLE
Troy Valance Secret Female Sexual Seduction Attraction Cologne Perfume









PS: Nearly 60,000 Men Cannot be Wrong (THIS Makes Women Horny AF)


The last time I checked, nearly 60,000 men – 58,239 to be exact – had bought at least one bottle of SecretSeduction Spray.

And, many have bought 10 or more.

Heck, some of my best customers have bought a bottle of the spray every month, for more than 4 consecutive years.

And, one crazy guy buys 6 bottles a month, every time (if you’re THAT guy, for God sake, please make sure you’re using Condoms 😉


Why Do So Many Guys Continue to Buy – SecretSeduction Cologne – The Best Pheromone Spray on The Market?


  • It makes you Magnetically Attractive to women (even if you’re old, out of shape, and not very good looking) 
  • If you already have a woman in your life, the spray makes her HORNY AF for you, all the time (so you ‘get laid’ whenever you want– without having to suffer the indignity of ASKING for sex) 
  • If you’re SINGLE, the spray makes every aspect of “Dating” easier… approaching women, striking up conversations, getting phone numbers, feeling confident, setting up dates, making things sexual, bagging a gf and so on


Here’s the Great News:

Because “Lockdown” is finally over – that means you’ll be able to get out there again, and start talking and socialising with hot women…

So, I figured NOW would be a great time to let you ‘stock up’ on the Spray, at some very special discount prices 🙂

>> Click here to learn more (and save more than HALF OFF the usual price)

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Do that now, and we’ll talk soon…

Your Wingman,

Troy Valance

How 57 Year Old Larry Beds Women Half His Age (Don’t Hate)


Hey there, it’s Troy Valance again…

Look. It’s really easy to HATE one of my best Coaching Clients, Larry…

You see, he’s 57, with a beer belly, a nose and ears too big for his face, and terrible dress sense (imagine a 60’s wannabe gangsta, on Miami Beach… shirt open, chest hair all over the place, and a big vulgar gold medallion round his neck).

Oh, and he’s not very tall. About 5”5 on a good day.

And yet…

Despite being blessed with literally nothing in the way of looks…

This 57 Year Old is a Machine with Women…

I’ve been in Nightclubs with Larry and seen him surrounded by beautiful women. 4 or 5 fighting for his attention.

I’ve seen Larry successfully approach HOT women half-his-age, in every scenario you can imagine…

Coffee shops…


On the street…

At the gym…

You name it, I’ve seen Larry seduce a woman there.

And, don’t judge him too harshly…

But, I’ve also seen Larry go up to a woman who was with her man, in a restaurant, and literally STEAL her from in front of the guys eyes…

And there was literally nothing the man could do about it…

Larry clearly had her firmly under his spell. 

The guy’s a machine.

And, just so you REALLY HATE his guts, I’ll tell you this…

In the past 5 years, ever since Larry came to me for Coaching on how to SUCCEED with women, I’ve seen him with probably 30 different women…

The oldest one was 44 (remember: he’s 57)…

And, the youngest was a 22 year old stripper.

Question is:

“Why The Heck Am I Telling You This?”


Before I met Larry, he had NO GAME with women.

He’d only ever slept with 2 women – one being his ex-wife who treated him like crap for 20 years, before divorcing him and taking HALF of everything he owned…

The other being some girl at college who slept with him for some really twisted ‘bet’ with her friends (long story, one for another day).

Yup, when I first met Larry her was a BROKEN man… in need of desperate help.


Well, today I don’t know of another near 60 year old who is having this much FUN with women. Actually, I don’t know of many other men of ANY age, having this much fun with women.

Now, if you asked Larry what made the biggest difference to his experience with women – of all the things I shared with him – he’d say:

SecretSeduction Spray

Troy Valance pheromones Secret Cologne Perfume Female Sexual Seduction Attraction

And I know that to be TRUE, for a FACT… because I’ve had many other students ask him that very question!

Feel free to check it out HERE


Your Wing Man,

Troy Valance.

Target This Female Organ For Peak Seduction


Hey there, it’s Dr. Patti…

Allow me to be a bit of a science nerd about sex, attraction, and arousal.

For many organisms – not just us homo sapiens – pheromonal communication is of particular importance in reproduction.

Whenever a chemical agent activates any particular results in the recipient, that chemical element is said to be a pheromone.

For example, a woman’s Vomeronasal organs pick up the “smell” of pheromones and signal her brain to desire copulation.

This is a picture of the Vomeronasal organ VNO in the nasal cavity. This hole feeds the pheromone molecules to the olfactory system. That triggers her brain to want to engage in sexual intercourse.

In today’s modern world, you end up showering off your pheromones. So she never gets the trigger that puts her body subtly “in the mood” for some bedroom loving.

We are animals. Just like dogs sniff the air, we are picking up signals of reproduction unless you’ve washed them all off! This means adding a bit of pheromone back onto your body after you shower will send those molecules up into her VNO, triggering a cascade of copulatory responses.

Read about how pheromones worked like BOOM for Carter and his wife.

Secret Seduction Cologne  The Power Of Natures Love Formula (Works On Wives Or Girlfriends)

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“When I discovered the SecretSeduction Spray website, I immediately thought I was setting myself up for another major disappointed. I thought it would rejuvenate my sex life with my wife.

But when I opened up the bottle, I didn’t smell a thing. Nada. Sure there was some faint scent I could pick up. But my bottle of Axe smelled ten times better.

I sprayed a little on my neck and chest just for laughs.

Well, later that night, nobody was laughing. My wife got crazy horny even though we haven’t had a go at it for almost a year. We had sex so crazy and wild I thought she was a different woman.

This thing didn’t rejuvenate my sex life. It gave me a whole new one!” – Carter


Pheromones aren’t like perfumes and colognes, where you “smell good.”

Our bodies naturally produce these chemicals to attract those of the opposite sex for mating purposes. Just like how female dogs attract male dogs when they’re “in heat.”

We naturally have these pheromones. But our habits of bathing with soaps and shampoos and using antiperspirants and deodorants mask these chemicals, rendering them useless.

Now with Secret Seduction Cologne, you can enhance your body’s natural attraction factor just by putting a little of it on you.

Get Unbelievably Attractive  Use SecretSeduction Male Perfume Spray Today (Works On Wives Or Girlfriends)

Let Her Smell The Lust,
Dr. Patti

P.S. Susan was able to get this 50% off discount link for you. Grab your SSS bottle as soon as you can, today, before the limited one time only discount link expires.

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P.P.S. More men clamoring for SecretSeduction Spray:

“This stuff works a treat and smells great! I don’t know if I suddenly woke up better looking or if it’s down to the spray (it’s the spray). I’ve used other oils in the past, and nothing comes even close to the compliments I get from women, and strangely some men. Will be getting more next time.”

“Thanks, Troy! I’m getting A LOT of compliments! No one has ripped my shirt open yet, but it’s still early days! Thanks again, man.”

“I do NOT endorse or recommend this cologne to ANYONE else because I selfishly want it all to myself, haha! Anyway, All joking aside, the spray smells great. There is a girl in my office that, without fail, always asks me what aftershave I am wearing whenever I wear this scent. Only this scent and I have 20 other aftershaves. It seriously works! Thanks, Troy.”

Get Your SecretSeduction Spray Here  The Power Of Natural Pheromone Amplifiers

Troy Valance Secret Pheromone Cologne Perfume Reviews Review female sexual seduction attraction


Secret Seduction Spray Review


Review Troy Valance Secret Pheromone Perfume Cologne Reviews

2 thoughts on “<center><font color = "#FFFFFF">Secret Seduction Spray Review</center></font>”

  1. I’ve tried to find on line if any place sells this product and have had no luck can some one help me buy this please…..some how thanks

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